Wednesday, November 14

To The Sudan

Zac and Shelley are going to the Sudan next month. They were at church Sunday night telling about their journey. Not so much their journey to the Sudan as much as their journey to decide to go to the Sudan. There were three things that Zac said that I want to pass on to you.

First, as a missionary, you must expect him to say this: "Every Christian has a role to play in the Great Commission." Yes, we do know this to be truth. Yet we also need to be reminded and re-challenged with this nugget. Please consider yourself reminded. I have.

Second. He and Shelley were both school teachers. Zac mentioned that he was praying several years ago and he was telling the Lord all about the plans he had for his life (like you and I do sometimes). The Lord spoke to him (not audibly, but clearly) and asked Zac, "What about the plans that I have for your life?" Wow, good question for all of us. What about the plans that God has for your life? Has He asked something of you that you have yet to do?

Third, as school teachers for six years they were preparing to run a school in the Sudan. Understand that they were not consciously preparing to run this school (they did not as yet know they were going to the Sudan), yet the skills and experiences they were picking up in the school systems where they worked were giving them great advantages for what the Lord knew they would be doing in 2008 and beyond.

This third point is powerful. What are you and I doing right now that we may or may not enjoy or like? Yet can we grasp that this experience (that we sometimes fight against) is possibly preparing us for some work that the Lord has for us to do in 3 or 5 or 7 years.

Don't quit now. See you in the Sudan.

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