Thursday, November 1

Brothers, Pray For Me

It seems that the ministry of intercession is becoming a lost ministry in the church today. Maybe we are busy. Maybe we do not have time to spend in prayer. We should not and cannot allow admittedly busy schedules to keep us from this important act of kingdom work.

Intercession takes time but it is also rewarding. When we see God answer our prayers for others, we are encouraged all the more to pray and to go before the throne on behalf of another.

God calls and God equips intercessors. Daniel’s life shows us an example of intercessory prayer. Daniel’s example is extraordinary because he lived and prayed in a time that was not safe to be an intercessory pray-er.

He was surrounded by a heathen and pagan people, yet he never let up in his prayer. Intercessory prayer can be a struggle that requires deep commitment and persistence. I pray that we will all see the value of this ministry and allow the example of Daniel to impact us. Pray.

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