Sunday, September 30

How Long You Gonna Be In There?

We find in the Bible that a wilderness season had a specifically determined time.

The wilderness period when God’s covenant people – Jacob and his family – left Canaan and went to Egypt was 400 years. Yet, God had promised a release.

God’s covenant people wandered in the wilderness 40 years. However, God had a time of release.

When God’s people left His purpose to follow after idols, they went into a Babylonian wilderness for 70 years. Again, God promised a release.

Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness and then entered into a 40-day wilderness period. Then the Father had a release. The wilderness wasn’t His ministry.

We help determine the length of time we stay in our wilderness. The wilderness is not your ministry. It can be a training time for ministry but not your ministry.

Wilderness wanderings are complex. Many times people cannot understand what you are going through. It is difficult to understand. Yet when we realize God is God in the wilderness as well as God in the green pastures, we will be strengthened for the work.

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