Thursday, September 6

Consider It Pure Joy

We already know that James wants us to consider it pure joy when we face trials of various kinds. This was thrown at me in a little different way yesterday. Sam is in the second grade. He has been in school now for three weeks. Incidentally, he is at the same grade school his mom attended more than a few years ago. I love to pick him up after school. He is probobly the smallest second grader and he comes happily out of the schoolhouse door with his SpiderMan backpack on his shoulders and a smile on his face. That's great to see.

Anyway, yesterday we were talking and I asked him, "what is your favorite part of school?" He never missed a beat and piped right up, "the tests!" he said.

Whoa. First I thought, "that's weird".

Then I thought, "that's what we are supposed to say".

I hope he never changes his perspective.

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