Jesus taught us the critical significance of regular daily prayer. He said, “Always pray, never lose heart” – Luke 18:1. He also said to talk with the Father day and night – Luke 18:7. When He taught His disciples to pray as recorded in Luke 11:3, He told them to ask God for their daily needs.
Jesus set an example of daily prayer by praying during virtually every kind of circumstance we might face:
He prayed at His baptism.
He prayed all night long before He chose His disciples.
He prayed when He broke bread and gave it to others.
He prayed during sad times such as while at the tomb of His friend Lazarus.
Jesus prayed while in deep agony.
He prayed as He neared His death by crucifixion.
He prayed while on the cross.
By His example, we see that Jesus undoubtedly made it a priority to pray. Luke 5:16 reads "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed". He sometimes sent the crowds off to their homes and “went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray” – Matthew 14:23. We also read in Mark 1:35 that Jesus got up and got out of the house "very early in the morning" and "went off to a solitary place where He prayed".
The meaning cannot and must not be lost. Prayer is important. Prayer was important to Jesus. We should have the same mind-set.
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