The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.
All kinds of sin were being done among men. Man had corrupted worship of God. Sin filled the earth with violence. The corruption spread. The sordidness and pollution of sin had filled the whole earth. This wickedness brought about God’s determination to wipe out all living things in the world.
History has shown us that when wickedness is the general rule of a society, the destruction and fall of that society is not far off. It does not take much for mankind to be brought down to a level not too much different from that of the wild animals.
Whenever there is a remnant (however small) of praying people in a nation, to empty the measure of wickedness as it fills up, judgment for sin may be postponed.
If all of society seems to be hard at work to pull down the boundary markers of morality and righteousness by continual sin, and there is no one stand in the gap to make up the breach, what can be expected but a flood of divine wrath to wash away the flood of sin?
By God's own evaluation, Noah and his family were the only exception to the universal apostasy of the land. God always reserves some, in the worst of times, for Himself. There was a remnant, according to the work of God’s grace; it was a small one, but there was a remnant. This grace, which Noah found was the favor and good will of God. Noah was acceptable to God; God was pleased with Noah.
He found favor with God, and consequently was directed by God to build an ark for the purpose saving of himself and his family and the various animals. He found favor with God, and because of that favor he had the honor of being the preserver of mankind, and the father of a new world.
Genesis 6:9 says “These are the generations of Noah.” Or this is the account of his descendants, of those persons that were to come after him, that were born from him, and populated and inhabited the earth after the flood.
These are mentioned in the next verse. The genealogy of Adam is carried on from Adam to Noah, Genesis 5:1 the old world ends at the flood, the genealogy of the new world begins with Noah:
Whatever the past of your family may be, whatever sin and wickedness there may be; you can be Noah in your generation to bring a change for righteousness. Make a difference. Live right before God and receive His favor.
“By his faith Noah condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith” – Hebrews 11:7.
Sunday, January 27
Friday, January 25
Noah Found Grace - Part 2
It is not likely that Noah found favor in the eyes of men; they hated and persecuted him, because both by his life and his preaching he condemned the world. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord. It is not likely that the world will respect us and hold us in high regard for our faith in God. The Bible gives a number of examples of godly people who were hated by their generation. The world will (does) revile you and me as well. Keep in mind this; you and I do not answer to our generation. We answer to God.
There are some big people in our world. There are some powerful people in business, in finance, in society, in sports, in politics. But none are so big as the one who comes to the Father like a little child and asks for the kingdom of heaven. God looks down with an eye of favor and grace to those men and women and young people and children, who look up to Him with an eye of faith.
It calls for strong faith to stay off of the broad road, and to stand for, and live for, God when no one else will stand for Him; Noah did. So must we. This should be the high point of our life’s purpose, to find grace in the eyes of the Lord; this is what we work toward.
So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it – 2 Corinthians 5:9.
There are some big people in our world. There are some powerful people in business, in finance, in society, in sports, in politics. But none are so big as the one who comes to the Father like a little child and asks for the kingdom of heaven. God looks down with an eye of favor and grace to those men and women and young people and children, who look up to Him with an eye of faith.
It calls for strong faith to stay off of the broad road, and to stand for, and live for, God when no one else will stand for Him; Noah did. So must we. This should be the high point of our life’s purpose, to find grace in the eyes of the Lord; this is what we work toward.
So we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it – 2 Corinthians 5:9.
Thursday, January 24
Eight Reasons Why Prayers May Not Be Answered
Here is something to think about when it seems our prayers are not answered:
1. We may have a wrong motive in prayer – James 4:3.
2. There may be a cherished sin in our heart – Psalm 66:18.
3. Lack of love in action may keep us from answers to prayer – 1 John 3:20-22.
4. Any unforgiveness hinders prayers – Mark 11:25.
5. A lack of consideration and respect between husband and wife hinders prayer – 1 Peter 3:1-7.
6. Lack of generosity with God and His people will hinder prayers – Luke 6:38; Philippians 4:19.
7. Lack of belief or trust in God hinders answers to prayer – James 1:5-7; Psalm 37:5-7.
8. The resistance of the enemy may keep your prayers unanswered (temporarily) – Daniel 10:12-13.
1. We may have a wrong motive in prayer – James 4:3.
2. There may be a cherished sin in our heart – Psalm 66:18.
3. Lack of love in action may keep us from answers to prayer – 1 John 3:20-22.
4. Any unforgiveness hinders prayers – Mark 11:25.
5. A lack of consideration and respect between husband and wife hinders prayer – 1 Peter 3:1-7.
6. Lack of generosity with God and His people will hinder prayers – Luke 6:38; Philippians 4:19.
7. Lack of belief or trust in God hinders answers to prayer – James 1:5-7; Psalm 37:5-7.
8. The resistance of the enemy may keep your prayers unanswered (temporarily) – Daniel 10:12-13.
if . . .
“if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” – 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Revival is an amazing and astounding outpouring of the Spirit of God on His people. God brings a fresh awareness of His holiness and power and at the same time reveals man’s personal sinfulness, spiritual insufficiency and desperate need of Him. Christians who have hidden sin or spiritual laziness are revived. They come back to life. There is a new focus on God and His word, holy fellowship and heavenly worship. There is a new excitement for sharing the Gospel and winning lost people to Christ. Preaching takes on new enthusiasm and huge numbers of people put their faith in Christ.
God removes, through man's repentance and forgiveness, ungodly behavior, immorality, dishonesty, and selfishness, etc. replacing them with His righteousness, peace, joy, generosity, kindness. The fruit of the Spirit is allowed to grow. There have been times in past revivals when entire towns or areas and sometimes even nations have been affected.
Historically when God is preparing to send revival He will raise up people and give them a distinctive burden to pray for the outpouring of His Spirit. This period of prayer can last for years. And then in His appointed time, God answers and showers down the power of His Spirit.
In His divine plan, God is raising up prayer warriors to pray for revival. Are you one whom He has chosen and called for this great work? Will you obey? Will you pray for revival until God sends it?
Revival is an amazing and astounding outpouring of the Spirit of God on His people. God brings a fresh awareness of His holiness and power and at the same time reveals man’s personal sinfulness, spiritual insufficiency and desperate need of Him. Christians who have hidden sin or spiritual laziness are revived. They come back to life. There is a new focus on God and His word, holy fellowship and heavenly worship. There is a new excitement for sharing the Gospel and winning lost people to Christ. Preaching takes on new enthusiasm and huge numbers of people put their faith in Christ.
God removes, through man's repentance and forgiveness, ungodly behavior, immorality, dishonesty, and selfishness, etc. replacing them with His righteousness, peace, joy, generosity, kindness. The fruit of the Spirit is allowed to grow. There have been times in past revivals when entire towns or areas and sometimes even nations have been affected.
Historically when God is preparing to send revival He will raise up people and give them a distinctive burden to pray for the outpouring of His Spirit. This period of prayer can last for years. And then in His appointed time, God answers and showers down the power of His Spirit.
In His divine plan, God is raising up prayer warriors to pray for revival. Are you one whom He has chosen and called for this great work? Will you obey? Will you pray for revival until God sends it?
Thursday, January 17
Noah Found Grace

In the Old Testament, Noah has been distinguished from the rest of the world. There is an uncommon note of honor given to him. Noah’s uniqueness is unique. God has approved his uniqueness.
The Lord said to him, “I have seen you righteous before Me in this generation.”
When God was displeased with the rest of the world, He was pleased with Noah: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, Genesis 6:8.
We see the rightness of God’s justice in His displeasure against the world. He had closely examined the character of every person in it before He pronounced it universally corrupt.
There was one good man, God found him, and smiled upon him.
The grace that Noah found in God distinguished him from all his contemporaries, and brought him favor with God, yet also brought him under an especially strong obligation.
Noah was called upon to build the vessel by which God would save His creation. He was also called to be the vessel by which God would save His creation. We do have an obligation to our sinful society.
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